Dental implants are an effective and efficient way of replacing damaged or lost adult teeth. During this procedure, your dentist places a metal post into your jawbone in place of your missing tooth. They will then add an artificial tooth on top of the metal post to make your smile look more natural. In addition, dental implants are strong enough to withstand normal chewing.
When dental implants work as they are supposed to, they are way better than dental bridges or dentures. They are stronger than the removable dentures and are usually more comfortable, but getting dental implants involves multiple procedures and may carry some risk of complications. Here are five of the most common dental implant problems, and avoid them.
Dental implants can sometimes be placed in the wrong angle or location or are loosely fitted. This can lead to problems like irritation or difficulty in chewing or talking. However, the dental surgeon who performs this procedure should ensure that implant is perfectly in place by knowing the type of teeth you want to have. This will help them determine the exact area, amount, and angle at which the dental implants should be placed.
The dental implant treatment procedure should be done by one professional. Some implant dentists may provide both the implant surgery and the prosthetic, while others may only offer the prosthetic leaving the surgery to another dentist. If two separate dental professionals are handling your implant treatment, it is essential to communicate beforehand.
The dental implant always fuses to your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This process enables the permanent fusion of your implant to your bone to keep it stable and permanent. However, if your surrounding bone deteriorates as a result of an infection, then this will affect the implant as there will not be support for it. Therefore, your dentist will recommend that you follow the given guidelines to improve the healing process and prevent problems such as deterioration of your bone.
Poor oral hygiene is also another problem that affects your dental implants. You may think that getting dental implants makes your teeth invincible. It’s not the case, lack of regular flossing and brushing your teeth may affect your dental implants. Taking alcoholic drinks and smoking may also affect the health of your dental implants.
Poor oral health care also leads to infection as food debris may accumulate between your teeth, causing bacteria, leading to gum disease and losing your implant. Smoking also inhibits the healing process of your implants. These issues, however, can be avoided by burning your teeth, flossing, and regular dental check-ups with your dentist.
The healing process is an important aspect of the success of your dental implants. It prevents infections or complications, but it also ensures that your dental implant anchors with the jaw bone and does not loosen. Your dentist will advise and guide you on making the healing process safer and more proper.
Your dentist at Petaluma Dental Group will emphasize the following practices: not involving yourself in any physical activity for a few days. In addition, avoid some types of foods, keep the surgical area clean, and adhere to your medication. Failing to follow your dentist’s instructions can lead to discomfort, swelling, and other complications.
Though installing your dental implants in Petaluma, CA, is a surgical procedure, and even though your mouth has an abundance of bacteria, if your dentist takes the necessary precautions and performs the process in sterile conditions, there will be a low risk of infection. Another added advantage against infection is that patients are prescribed antibiotics. The discomfort and pain are usually minimal and will last between one to four days.
Though dental implant infections are extremely rare, they sometimes can b heard of. They can occur if an area of your mouth is infected and spreads to the area surrounding your implant or if you have an existing problem. Either way, it is important to contact your dentist near you to catch the problem and prevent any complications or the need for another procedure.
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