How Often Should You Get Deep Cleaning on Your Teeth?

How Often Should You Get Deep Cleaning on Your Teeth?

Feb 01, 2023

Besides, brushing and flossing your at-home and getting dental teeth cleaning near you is an essential requirement. However, if your dentist suggests you need deep cleaning, you might become concerned that the procedure is painful. However, it generally becomes a requirement if you have missed some dental appointments and have accumulated and hardened tartar on your teeth resulting in periodontal disease.

Deep cleanings are generally a specific treatment performed by teeth cleaning Petaluma to eliminate a severe problem in your mouth gum disease. It becomes necessary when you accumulate plaque on your teeth, enabling them to harden into tartar and become a victim of gum disease. However, deep cleanings are only suggested to some and are best used in these situations.

If you have not kept up with professional cleanings as suggested by your dentist, you will become vulnerable to receiving a deep cleaning to prevent the progress of gum disease by eliminating tartar deposits on your teeth and below the gum line. Deep cleanings are also suggested if you have pockets around your teeth exceeding 4 mm in depth between your teeth and gums.

What Is the Process of Deep Cleaning Teeth?

Your regular cleanings ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy. Healthy gums have shallow tiny spaces between the gums and teeth. Regular cleanings are recommended for patients with good dental health and those not suffering from bone loss, gum recession, bleeding gums, or infections.

However, deep cleanings become essential if you notice that your gums bleed when brushing and flossing. The symptom indicates your gums have become irritated, and the pockets have expanded to over 3 mm. If you observe these symptoms, you must see your dentist at the earliest because you might have gingivitis or inflammation. If you have gingivitis and do not get treatment for the condition, it can cause severe problems because it progresses to periodontal, besides other health issues.

What to Expect When Getting Deep Teeth Cleaning?

When getting deep teeth cleaning in Petaluma, CA, expect the dentist to perform procedures like scaling to remove plaque and tartar from the tooth’s surface and the pockets between your teeth and gums. The dentist will also use a scaling instrument to remove plaque and tartar from your tooth roots in the root planing procedure. These processes help your gums to reattach your teeth snugly, eliminating an infection that can aggravate silently.

What Happens If You Refuse Deep Cleanings?

If you notice inflammation, sensitivity, and bleeding gums, you must locate a dentist in your area to examine your gums and receive treatment before the condition worsens. The dentist will likely recommend a deep cleaning if they notice the space between your teeth and gums exceeds 4 mm. Infected teeth because of gum disease can make you vulnerable to tooth loss, dental abscesses, and other health conditions like cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and cancer needing treatments from different medical professionals. Therefore it would be an error to refuse deep cleanings if you have neglected dental visits for quite some time to allow tartar deposits to harden on your teeth and beneath the gum line.

After-care for Deep Cleaning

After the dentist removes food particles and dental plaque and cleans your teeth, your gums will start healing and regenerating to form a tight seal around your teeth. The process requires six to eight weeks or more, depending on your dental and overall health. Therefore if you are suggested deep cleanings, you must ensure you maintain excellent dental hygiene after the cleaning by collecting information from the dentist on how to care for your teeth and gums after the deep cleaning.

Unfortunately, if you have developed periodontitis, the condition is irreversible. In addition, it will require frequent appointments with your dentist for deep cleanings because it causes bone loss making it comfortable for the plaque to enter under your gums to cause additional inflammation. Periodontitis also makes you regret your decision to avoid six monthly dental cleanings and makes you susceptible to enduring problems that might require procedures like bone grafting and flap surgery.

After understanding the frequency at which you will need deep cleanings if affected by gum disease, we are sure you will prefer the six monthly dental cleaning by the Petaluma dentist to undergoing a procedure that requires plenty of time to heal and permanently damages your oral health.

Petaluma Dental Group recommends deep cleanings to patients who are not consistent with their dental hygiene regimen. Deep cleanings become essential if your gums are inflamed and bleeding. Consult the practice if you are enduring a similar situation to receive deep cleanings to care for your oral health.

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